Nefzer Motion Base - Nefzer Special Effects

Nefzer Motion Base - Nefzer Special Effects
The Nefzer MotionBase
Utilized by major film studios around the globe, the Nefzer MotionBase is engineered to move.
We are Europe’s leader in realistic motion control for the movie business. The system can be programed and customized to realistically imitate the precise movements of cars, motorcycles, boats, planes, balloons, people, animals; anything that can move on camera can be put in motion on the Nefzer MotionBase.
It's only limit, is your imagination.
The highest level of reliability, accuracy and safety are achieved by utilizing state of the art industrial technology, combined with a real understanding of the needs of the modern movie business, garnered from over 30 years of experience. The Nefzers, along with an industry leading precision engineering company, based in Switzerland, have built a truly fantastic system. Fully controllable on all axis, the Nefzer MotionBase can also support upto 100 tons, is accurate to up to 1000th of a millimetre and can be combined with other motion control systems, remote camera heads and camera cranes to achieve fluid, realistic motion.
See the Nefzer MotionBase in action here and have a look at some of our recent projects Die Hard 5 and Cloud Atlas right here.
Nefzer Special Effects - Offical site: nefzersfx.com